Impact of physiographic and human factors on crown cover and diversity of woody species in the Zagros forests (Case study: Ghalajeh forests, Kermanshah province)

Document Type : Research article


1 M.Sc. of forestry, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource

2 Associate Prof., department of forestry, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource


In order to study the relation among trees and shrubs diversity to altitude, slope gradient, aspects and distance from roads and villages factors, a case study was done in the protected forests of Ghalajeh in Kermanshah province in Zagros region. Crown diameter of trees was measured in two directions (north- south and east- west) in 114 sample plots with dimension of 60 m×60 m in a 450 m×200 m sampling grid. The location of plots was registered using GPS. Then the crown cover percent in each sample plot was computed. Some biodiversity indices including Simpson and Shannon-Winner for species diversity, Margalef for richness and Simpson and Smith-Wilson for evenness were applied in each plot. Digital values of altitude, slope gradient, aspects and distance from roads and villages were extracted for each plot. The correlation analysis between crown cover and mentioned factor was done by Duncan statistical test. Results showed that crown cover and species diversity were low around of villages and roads. Results of correlation analysis were also showed that altitude, slope and aspect have significant correlation by diversity, so by increasing the altitude, the species diversity and richness are increased. Results showed that in the northern slopes and 25-60 percent slop category, the crown cover and species diversity were maximum.


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