Introducing the most adapted exotic Poplar clones in Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari

Document Type : Research article


1 Senior research expert, Research Center of Agriculture and Naturan Resources of Charmahal-Bakhjtiari province

2 Associate Prof., Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

3 Senior research expert, Research Center of Agriculture and Naturan Resources of Charmahal-Bakhjtiari province, Shahrekord

4 Ph.D. student of forstry, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

5 Research expert, Research Center of Agriculture and Naturan Resources of Charmahal-Bakhjtiari province


This study was performed in order to find the superior poplar clones with high wood production in Research Station of Poplus and fast growing trees in Boldaji, Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari province. We first, selected 12 exotic clones from Populus euramericana andPopulus deltoides species. Then, the clones were planted in a completed randomized blocks design with 3 blocks and 9 replicates. The experiment started at 1999. Dbh, height and crown width of trees were measured within 8 years and total volume as well as dbh, height and volume increment of all clones were calculated. Results showed that the volume increment of clones Populus euramericana I-154, Populus euramericana costanzo, Populus euramericana I-214, Populus euramericana vernirubensis and Populus euramericana 262 were 13.2, 12.83, 12.54, 12.11 and 11.65 m³/h/year, respectively; which were significantly higher than other clones. As a result, these clones are introduced as the most promising clones in term of wood production. In compare to regions with longer growth seasons, the wood production by mentioned clones seems lower, however, it should be mentioned that this wood production has been achieved only within 5.5 months of growing season in Boldaji. It seems that using year scale for the age of poplar trees could be substitute by month scale.


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