The impact of afforestation on soil carbon sequestration and plant biomass in arid areas (Case study: Bakhtiardasht forest park, Isfahan)

Document Type : Research article


1 Ph.D. Student in Range Sciences, Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

2 Scientific Member of Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Scientific Member, Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.


Climate change and global warming result in an increased amount of greenhouse gases and, therefore, are amongst the most important challenges for sustainable development. The increment in the amount of Carbon sequestrated as plant biomass as well as within the underlying soils is considered as the easiest way to reduce the atmospheric carbon, which can also be economically implemented. In this regard, urban forests play an essential role in the major cities by absorbing the atmospheric carbon. Here, the existing Pinus eldarica stands planted in Bakhtiardasht forest park of Isfahan were studied for their level of carbon sequestration. To perform the estimation, the biomass, soil (in depths of 0-15cm and 15-30cm) and litter were sampled in a randomly systematic design. The Carbon sequestration in plant biomass and the soil organic carbon were measured by means of allometric equation and Walkly-Black method, respectively. The results indicated that the Pinus eldarica plantation led to an increasing amount of sequestrated Carbon up to 422.4 tons per hectare as compared with the surrounding barren land. The economic value of the resulted Carbon across the entire plantation area was valuated to exceed 5 million USD. The fixed carbon was shown to be mostly stem from the trunk of trees (40 percent). This study concludes such Carbon sequestration to be amongst the essential requirements for existing and upcoming forest conservation plans as an effective step to decrease of atmospheric carbon and mitigate the climate change effects.


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