Characterizing the Socioeconomic factors influencing poplar plantation in North Khorasan Province

Document Type : Research article


1 Senior Expert, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of North KHorasan province, ‎Bojnourd, I.R. Iran. ‎

2 Master of Science of Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of North Khorasan province, ‎I.R. Iran

3 Master of Science of Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of North KHorasan province, I.R. Iran.‎


In this study, socioeconomic factors affecting poplar plantation development in North Khorasan Province in 2013-14 was analyzed using cross sectional data from 54 poplar plantation in 30 villages and was estimated by a linear regression analysis. The results obtained from correlation coefficient showed a positive relationship between poplar plantation and a number of factors including educational level, provision of free seedlings by the state, using low-interest bank loans, guaranteed purchase of wood by the government and attending in poplar cultivation courses offered by the state. In addition, the results of linear regression indicated significant differences amongst three qualitatively variables (including free seedlings by the government, low-interest loans and guaranteed purchase of wood) which also positively affect the amount poplar plantation.


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