Analysis of the dual role of non-timber products exploitation in the Shabankareh’s forests in Kermanshah province, Iran

Document Type : Research article


1 M.Sc. in Extension of Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Recourses. Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Agricultural College, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Prof, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Agricultural College, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Corresponding author, Assistant Prof., Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Agricultural College, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

4 Assistant Prof., Kermanshah Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Kermanshah, Iran


It seems that in different geographical conditions, according to the existing culture and facilities, the type and method of exploitation are different, which will affect the quantity and quality of exploitation and ultimately, the destructive or protective role of harvesting products on forests and pastures. The purpose of this study was to investigate the dual revenue-protection role of exploitation of non-timber products of Shabankareh’s forest in Ravansar County in Kermanshah province, Iran. The research was quantitative, and in terms of data collection method, it was descriptive survey research. The study population consists of 111 householders in Shabankareh village. The results showed that the role of non-timber products in the livelihood of foresters is significant and the income is 6485096.77 Tomans annually, which has a complementary role to improve the livelihood of users. Also, results showed that the average exploitation rank of villagers who harvest in the form of groups was 57.75, which is higher than villagers who were personally exploited. According to the findings of the factor analysis technique, observing the correct principles of exploitation with 15.19% of the total variance, managing and monitoring the principles and appropriate time of exploitation with 14.71% and increasing sensitivity to the forest situation with 8.37% of the total variance, have the greatest impact on the protective role of exploitation. Results showed that the Exploitation of non-timber product is a more destructive and less protective role in Shabankareh’s forests. In general, it can be said that by modifying the exploitation structures, the protective role of exploitation of non-timber products can be strengthened.


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