Effect of lime and chemical fertilizer application on growth and mineral uptake in Pinus sylvestris seedlings

Document Type : Research article


Forest Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, Iran


This study was conducted to determine the effects of liming and fertilizing on growth and mineral uptake of different organs of young Scote pine (Pinus sylvestris L), uder field condition. Treatments consisted of quicklime, Ca+ Mg, Ca+ Mg+ NPK and Ca+ Mg+ NPK+ microelements. After three years, the growth rate was affected by fertilization in all treatments, although liming alone did not modify significantly the height growth compared with the control. Fertilization increased the concentrations of Ca, Mg and K and decreased Mn in organs. The accumulation of macroelements was greater in all organs when they were treated with microelements, compare with other treatments. Concentration of Fe, Na and n were not affected by fertilization. There was a greater accumulation of the less mobile elements; Ca, Mn, Fe and Na, in old needles. Where as the concentration of mobile nutrients, K and mg were greater in current growing needles.


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