Comparative survey of ecological and genetic characteristics of Terebinth tree (Pistsciu atlantica) population in Kurdestan province

Document Type : Research article


Kurdistan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Sanandaj, Iran


IN order to evaluation and comparison of ecological and genetic characteristics of Terebinth tree( Pistacia atlantica) populations in Kurdestan province, 13 sampling areas (and 30 femal trees in each area) were selected and evaluated in 2 years time (1996- 1997).The resulted data were analysed based on the compeletly Randomized Design model and means were compared by Dancans test at a≤ 0/05. For determination of relations between characters the correlation coefficients calculated and for grouping of areas on the basis the studied characteristics, cluster analysis were accomplished.
The studied areas for all of genetic characteristics(unless cluster length) showed significant difference at a≤0 . 01 (for leaflet weight at a ≤0/05). As a general rule Terebinth trees of forest zones(Maryvan and Baneh in Kurdestan) for all characteristics of leaf, leaflet and fruit, s distances were upper than the other zone. It seems as though smallness and narrowing of leaflets in cold and dry zones is a one of the resistance mechanism to drought. The Terebinth tree seeds of Abdulmomonen (Saghes), Dezli(Maryvan) and Khorriabad (Baneh) with lower seedless percentage (%57/83 ,%66/33 and %66/83 respectively ) and attentive to high 100 seeds weight mean of them, are suitable for afforestation.


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