Three Eucalyptus species trial on central coastal lands of ‎Caspian sea in Iran

Document Type : Research article


1 Scientific Board Members, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources ‎Research Centre, Sari, I.R. Iran‎

2 Member of scientific board, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands Tehran


The trial was carried out in 1983, using three fast growing species including E. camaldulensis, E. saligna and E. viminalis at Chamestan - Noor Natural Resources Experimental Station. The altitude, latitude and longitude are 85 m. above sea level, 36o, 30` North and 52o, 5` east, respectively. Average annual rainfall is 840 mm. Average daily and absolute maximum and minimum air temperature are 15.8, 36 and - 8oC, respectively. The measured tree parameters were: Survival, height, diameter and stem quality. The data statistical analysis was made, using the measurement in 2003. The SPSS software and t- test were used for the data analysis. The best species in view point of survial, diameter, height and quality were E. camaldulensis, E. viminalis and E. saligna (both parameters), respectively.


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