Genetic diversity and differentiation of beech forests ‎in Iran

Document Type : Research article


1 Reseach Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, Iran

2 Member of scientific board, Technical University of zvoleu Slowakia.‎ ‎

3 Member of scientific board, Technical University of zvoleu Slowakia.‎


Fagus is one of the most abundant and economically important genera of woody plants in north of Iran.
Genetic variation of Fagus orientalis Lipsky was investigated on 14 Iranian beech populations originating from the major part of distribution range of this tree species in Hyrcanian zone. Genetic diversity and differentiation of beech populations were studied using 16 isozyme Loci at 10 enzyme systems including: PX, LAP, GOT, MNR, IDH, MDH, PGI, PGM, SKDH and 6PGD, by starch gel electrophoresis. A considerable genetic multiplicity (observed number of alleles: 55, mean number of alleles per locus: 3.3 and percentage of polymorphic loci: 100) and diversity (effective number of alleles: 1.288 and expected heterozygosity: 0.191) were found. Overall, 30 rare alleles (less than 5 % of the allelic frequency) were detected. No unequivocal patterns of genetic differentiation could be identified. A slight deficiency of heterozygotes as compared with Hardy-Weinberg expected proportion, was found in the majority of populations.


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