Optimum plantation spacing with Maple and Alder at a lowland site of the Caspian forests of Iran

Document Type : Research article


Members of Scientific Board, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Sari, I. R. IRAN.


Forest plantation at the degraded parts of the Caspian Forests is important for forest rehabilitation. Most of the plantations at the low and midlands of the Caspian Forests are made with the native broad - leaved species such as Maple, Alder, Ash and Oak. Availability of information in relation to forest plantation techniques is important for expenses reduction and plantation maintenance and density.
The trail was Conducted in 1987 under experimental design of Randomized Complete Blocks, using five spacing treatments (1×1, 1×2, 2×2, 2×3, and 3×3 m.), two species (Acer velutinum Boiss. and Alnus subcordata C. A. M.) and four replicates. The measured tree characteristics were: survival%, collar diameter, d.b.h. and height. The methods of ANOVA and T - Test (Duncan) were used for statistical analysis. The trees parameters were measured in 2001. The results show that the treatments have not influenced the height in the both species, significantly. In Maple, the greatest survival% and diameter growth were achieved at spacing densities of 2×2, 2×3, and 2×3, 3×3 m., respectively, whereas in Alder were at 2×2, 2×3, 3×3 and 2×3, 3×3 m., respectively.


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