Effects of eucalypt plantation on understory plant cover and some soil parameters in comparison to next natural forest in Astara of Iran

Document Type : Research article


1 Member of Scientific Board of Azad University

2 Member of Scientific Board of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

3 Research Experts of Research center of Agricultural and Natural Resources of Gilan province, Gilan, I. R. Iran.


About 30 years ago, a eucalypt species trial was conducted in Caspian coastal forest of Iran at Astara, after clear felling the natural QuercoCarpinetum forest type. The aim of the study was investigation the effect eucalypt plantation on understory plant cover component and soil properties .For this purpose, the understory species and their frequency was determined in both eucalyptus plantation and next natural forest. The Sorenson method was used to study the heterogeneity homogeneity of plant communities .Furthermore, the soil Na+, K+, organic matter and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured. Results showed that there was only 54% homogeneity between the understory plant cover of two sites according to Sorenson index that indicated the significant effects of Eucalypt plantation on kind and frequency of species. The amounts of Na+, K+, organic matter and EC was less in eucalypt plantation site  than the natural forest site.
The results showed that there was only 54% homogeneity between the understory plant cover of the two sites according to Sorenson Index and significant effect of eucalypt plantation on flora. The amount of Na+, K+, EC and organic matter in eucalypt plantation site was less than the natural forest site. It was concluded that eucalypt plantation on natural forest sites should be limited due to its significant effects on sol and flora.


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