Distribution of different species of Pistachio in Markazi Province of Iran

Document Type : Research article


1 Member of Scientific Board of Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Markazi Province

2 Member of Scientific Board of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran. P. O.


Considering appropriate adaptability of different wild species of Pistacia in different arid and Semi-arid environments of the country, as well as their high value from point of view of Resin and other chemical production; oil; and pharmacological use of their seeds, studying their habitats in different areas of Markazi Province, (as a sub-project of the national project under the title of “The study of Pistacia distribution and related influencing factors in Iran) seems to be important. In this project the basic maps including topography, soil, climate, geology, and landuse of the area (1:50000 scale) were purchased and digitized. Then the areas which were covered by the wild species were visited, recorded by GPS and digitized. In order to study the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the species, five sample plots (1600m2) The tree parameters were: density, total height, stem diameter, crown height, crown diameter, type of regeneration, stem and crown health, number of male and female Pistachios, amount of seed production and seed quality. After establishing the DEM of the areas, aspect and slope maps were also produced using dfdx and dfdy filters of IlWIS Academic Program Package.
On the basis of this investigation the following results were obtained.
-Twenty polygons of wild Pistacia species of (areas of 2216 ha) were recognized in MarkaziProvince.
- The species - environment relationships including: slop, aspect, climate, landuse and soil were determined, using maps integrating and data overlying methods.


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