Volume quantity and percentage of Beech industrial, fuel and stump timber portions at Caspian Forests of Iran

Document Type : Research article


1 M. Sc. Student

2 Member of Scientific Board. University of Guilan, Rasht, I.R. Iran.


The aim of the study was to investigate the volume and amount of the Beech (Fagus orientalis) industrial, Fuel and stump timber portions at west forests of Gilan province in Caspian Region of Iran. For this reason 40 trees from three parcels of Nav-Asalem Series were selected randomly. The measured tree parameters were height (total and stump portion) and diameter (at two meter height intervals, breast height, collar and stump cutting surface area). The industrial, fuel and stump timber volumes were calculated, using the formulas of Smalian, Huber and cylinder, respectively. Subsequently, the total volume was calculated from these volumes. Based on the scattered points of total volume and breast height diameter (DBH), the best fitted model was quadratic with correlation coefficient of 0.97. There were significant correlations between DBH and different timber volumes, but the highest (R=0.97) and the lowest (R=0.66) correlation was between industrial and fuel wood volumes and DBH, respectively. Although there was positive correlation between DBH and industrial and stump timber volumes, but the correlation was negative for fuel wood volume and DBH. The average volume percentage for industrial, fuel and stump woods was 84.35, 12.13 and 3.52, respectively.



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