Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of natural regeneration in gaps within beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) stands of Caspian Region

Document Type : Research article


1 Forest senior Expert

2 Member of Scientific Board, Research Institute of Forests and Rangeland

3 Member of Scientific Board, University of Tehran


According to few recent studies, regeneration was favourably established in few natural gaps at beech stands located in Golband Forest of Caspian region of Iran (Jamand district), whereas in other gaps, weeds including Rubus sp. and ferns were established. The aim of the research was to investigate the effects of natural parameters, including climate, soil and topography; human and livestock activities and inappropriate gap size caused by removal of trees in the upper storey. For this reason, 13 natural gaps were selected as sampling plots, depending on their regeneration condition and their distribution within the forest. After that, the seedlings age, height and diameter (at collar and breast height) were measured.
The results showed that the seedlings of F. orientalis occupied highest area of the gaps (75%) in comparison to other species. There was not significant difference between the beech seedlings in respect to their age (6-8 year old). The gap size had negative effect on seedlings density and positive effect on seedlings height. The branching mode of beech indicates that most of the saplings were forked. Overall, an increase in the gap area, increased the number of the forked and broom shaped saplings. The results showed that cuttings should be made in a way to prevent large gaps. In contrast, the small and medium gaps provide an appropriate area for regeneration, quantitatively and qualitatively


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