Forest plantation trial at degraded forests of north Semnan at rainfed condition, using the multipurpose species Juglans regia

Document Type : Research article


1 Member of Scientific Board, Semnan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Centre, Seman, I.R. Iran.

2 Member of Scientific Board, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands,Tehran, I.R. Iran

3 Member of Scientific Board, Semnan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Centre, P.O. Box 35145-319, Seman, I.R. Iran.


The trial was conducted to establish plant cover for the degraded and semi- degraded forests and left water catchments of north Semnan province of Islamic Republic of Iran. The aims of the trials were to conserve soil and water, flood control, environment rehabilitation and involve the local forest dwellers and rural communities in forest conservation (sharing them in the walnut products income).  The trial was conducted under experimental design of split plots with two treatments (walnut seed origins and rainwater catchment systems), each at three levels and three replicates.  The results showed that only the effects of rainwater catchment systems and the interaction of the both treatment on height, survival and crown diameter of the Juglans regia were significant. There was not significant difference between the walnut seed origins in their growth performances. The walnut seedlings which were planted under the mulch treatment, had the greatest growth and survival performance in comparison to control and crescent banquette methods.  


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