Study of 9 Oak (Quercus castaneifolia) provenances performance in west of Guilan province

Document Type : Research article


1 Guilan University

2 Agriculture & Natural Resources Research Center of Guilan province

3 Research Institute of Forests & Rangelands

4 Agriculture & Natural Resources Research Center of Guilan province Research Institute of Forests & Rangelands


     Genetic variation within population as a result of geographical variation is one of the important factors in forest tree improvement. Therefore investigation of genetic variation rate and its variability is necessary for each species that is used in reforestation. Quercus castaneifolia is one of the valuable forest species in Northern Iran that are exposed to danger because of inclement utilization severely. One of basic studies for improvement of Quercus castaneifolia and using it in reforestation programs is investigation of geographical variation that is performable in provenance experiment. For this study seeds of Quercus castaneifolia from 9 region in west of Guilan province are used and were planted in randomized complete block design in parcel 5 of district 15 of ShafaroodForest. Height, diameter and survival of provenances investigated in this study showed that there were significant differences between provenances in mentioned parameters. Means of annual height growth of 9 studied provenances varied from 24 cm to 43 cm. Provenances 1, 2, 3 and 9 had the best height growth. D.B.H of provenances was between 0.6 cm and 1.9 cm, where and provenances 1, 2 and 9 had the most D.B.H. Survival rate of studied provenances was between 52% and 86%. Result of ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference in survival rate (p<0.01).The overall trial survival rate provenances were over 77% and were higher than mean of survival rate. Barekoh (2) had the best performance in height growth, diameter and survival between all provenances. It can be a suitable seed source for future plantation in this area.


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