Compatibility experiment of 10 poplar clones for introducing of most suitable clones to executive unit in Kurdistan province

Document Type : Research article


1 Member of Scientific Board, Research Center of Agricultural and Natural Resources of Kurdistan province

2 Member of Scientific Board, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands


In this trial 10 poplar clones (Populus deltoids with 8 clones, P. euramericana 561/41 and P.alba as control) were studied on marsher land of Geshlagh river at Sanandaj during 2001-2005. Planting of cuttings were accomplished in early March of 2000 and transplanting of saplings were conducted in late March of 2000 in spacement of 4×4 m based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications. Each plot contained 25 saplings that were planted as 5×5 (9 saplings as main and 16 as buffer). Some of morphological, phenological and qualitative characteristics were measured every year. Results showed that diameter at breast height (dbh), height (h) and cumulative volume (cv) at end of trial was 14.7cm, 9/88 m and 0.0931 m³, respectively. Analysis of variance showed significant differences at p≤0.01among Poplar clones for all studied factors. This provides a very suitable background for selection of superior varieties. Duncan test for Poplar clones showed that clones of P.d. 63/2, P.e. 561/41and P.d. 63/1 with diameter of 18.1, 16.99 and 16.6cm, height of 12.11, 10.77and 10.95 m, cv 0.1612, 0.1214 and 0.1220 m³ per tree, average of annual volume increment with 0.04029 ,0.03101 and 0.03050 m³/y for each tree and mean annual volume increment per hectare of 25.18, 19.38 and 19.06 m³/y/ha, respectively, were superior clones among studied clones until this stage. Superior clones had crown diameter (CD) about 3.68 -3.9 m, good vitality, mainly safe from a contamination by pests and clear trunks. The wood production of superior clones was 1.5-2 times more than total average and 5-7 more than the standard clone (P.alba saghez).


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