The effect of different treatments on rooting of Juniperus excelsa cutting

Document Type : Research article


1 senior research expert, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (RIFR)

2 Assoc. Prof. RIFR

3 Senior research expert. RIFR

4 Assis. Prof. RIFR

5 Assis. Prof., Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran


The asexual reproduction of Juniperus excelsa along with its sexual reproduction is a great importance of matter because of its some problems in natural regeneration. The identification and application of efficient treatments in rooting of Juniperus excelsa cutting will be useful in production of seedlings. The objective of this study was asexual reproduction of Juniperus excelsa by means of cutting which conducted in a 4 years period. Cuttings (short and long) were obtained from young and old Juniper tress in Sirachal station and Alborz research centre. Cuttings were treated by hormones (IBA and NAA with different concentrations), willow extract (with and without hydrogen peroxide 1%) and planted under various condition including light (white, red and blue) and bed composition (fine and harsh). Forty nine cuttings were planted in split plots. Statistical data were gathered from 25 cutting in each plot. Statistical data were analyzed by SAS method and tested by Duncan test. Results indicated that hormones, light and bed composition treatments were significant (1%) and cutting size (5%) in rooting. According to Danken test, the average of rooting in white light, fine bed composition and 200 ppm of IBA was 37.32% that belonged to A group.


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