Qualitative and quantitative investigation on plantations of lime tree (Tilia platyphyllos) and Cappadocian maple (Acer cappadocicum) in Chamestan region, northern Iran

Document Type : Research article


1 senior research expert, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research center

2 Senior research expert, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research center


    Restoration of degraded forest areas in the Caspian region with appropriate species is very important. For this purpose two 18- years old pure plantations of Tilia platyphyllos and Acer cappadocicum with 2m×2m spacing were selected in Chamestan region. Survival and quantitative characteristics (dbh, height, volume, basal area and slenderness coefficient) as well as some qualitative characteristics (stem quality and branching mode) were investigated. Results showed that survival of maple and lime trees were 75% and 62%, respectively. The mean dbh of lime andmaple trees were 17.1cm, 11.3cm, respectively. The annual diameter increment of lime and maple trees were 0.84cm and 0.6cm, respectively. Volume was calculated 214 sylve/ha for lime tree and 112 sylve/ha for maple. Basal area for maple 18.7 (m2/ha) and for lime tree 15.2 (m2/ha) were determined. Stem quality was better in lime tree than in maple. Generally, this study indicates that both Tilia platyphyllos and Acer cappadocicum are suitable species for restoration of degraded areas in the plateau of Chamestan region.


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