Evaluation the efficiency of experimental landslide hazard zonation models (Haeri-Samiei and Mora-Varson) for considering designed road network in Shastkalate forest, Gorgan

Document Type : Research article


1 M.Sc. of forestry. Gorgan University of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Associate Prof., Gorgan University of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources

3 Senior expert, soil conservation and watershed management research center


      Identification of susceptible areas to landslide occurrence is one of the basic measures in reduction of possible risk and hazard management. The main goals of this paper are investigation on designed forest road network according to landslide hazard zonation and comparing applicability of two experimental landslide hazard zonation models (Haeri-Samiei and Mora-Varson) at the Shastkalate forests, Gorgan. By field work, the occurred land slides at the study area were gathered and recorded by GPS device. The elements for each model were generated and prepared in GIS. The landslide zonation for study area was done using mentioned models and their required factors. The efficiency of outputs of models was assessed by DR and QS indices. The results showed that at the study area the Haeri-Samiei model with QS= 1.251 had relative desirability compared to Mora-Varson model (QS= 0.586). In order to investigate on designed road network, the road network map was prepared. Based on results, using Haeri-Samiei model, situation of roads and rate of being at hazards were determined. Results showed that there are many of roads in high risk zones which should be designed again by forest managers.


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