Adaptability of ten olive varieties in terms of survival, height and diameter growth and fruit production in Lorestan province

Document Type : Research article


1 Senior research expert, Lorestan Province Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LPRCANR)

2 Assistant Prof., Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

3 Senior research expert of LPRCANR

4 Research expert of LPRCANR


    In order to cooperate with the Iranian Olive Development Project, the importance of the holy tree of olive and to achieve the most adaptable varieties of olive to climate conditions of Lorestan province, a trial was conducted in 2001 to investigate the most adaptable varieties of Olea europaea L. species. For this reason, 10 varieties of olive, including Konservalia, Roghani Roudbar, Gorgan A, Gorgan B, Mishen, Roghani Mahally, Roghani Gorgan, Amfisis, Zard and Shengeh were used as treatments under randomized complete blocks design with four replications at Kamalvand experimental station in Khorramabad city. At each plot, 20 seedlings were planted at 5m×5m spacing. According to the results, the varieties of Zard, Roghani Roudbar, Roghani Mahali and Gorgan B had the highest survival rate. The varieties of Zard and Roghani Roudbar showed the highest height growth. The varieties of Zard and Roghani Roudbar showed the highest collar diameter growth, whereas the varieties of Konservalia and Mishen showed the highest fruit production ability.


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