Effect of throughfall and forest floor leachate of beech on base cation dynamics in mixed stand

Document Type : Research article


1 M.Sc. Student of silviculture and forest ecology, Faculty of forestry and wood technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of Gorgan

2 Assistant Prof., Faculty of forestry and wood technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of Gorgan

3 Associate Prof., Faculty of agricultural sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of Gorgan


In forest ecosystems, there is an important interaction between hydrological cycle and nutrient contents. Rainfalls not only have an important role for entrance of nutrient contents to forest ecosystem, but also have an important role to transfer elements from canopy to forest floor and soil. This study performed to investigate the effect of throughfall and forest floor leachate on base-cations dynamics in a mixed hyrcanian beech forest in Golestan province. Throughfall and forest floor leachate samples were taken through 6 months (winter and spring 2008). Amount of base-cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+) were compared by T-Test between rainfalls and throughfall. Results showed that the amount of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+ contents in throughfall were higher than rainfall (p<0.05). Also total content of Mg2+ in throughfall and forest floor leachate compared to rainfall was higher, while Ca2+ and Na+ were lower, significantly (p<0.05). Finally, amount of base-cations were compared by T-Test between throughfall and forest floor leachate. Results showed that the amount of Na+, Ca2+ and K+ contents in throughfall were higher than that of forest floor leachate (p<0.05). In total, canopy and forest floor leaching have added 5.53, 12.42, 3.01 and 1.06 (Kg ha-1 month-1) Na+, K+,Ca2+ and Mg2+, respectively to the soil that were about 97, 202, 137 and 186 percent of the amount of those cations in the rainfall. Therefore, nutrient elements leaching cause soil fertility and increasing of forest products in a short time.


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