Comparison of acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatesactivity in soil of three natural and planted habitats of hazel in two seasons

Document Type : Research article


1 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University. Shahr-e-Rey Branch

2 Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

3 Senior Research Expert, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Guilan Province

4 Senior Research Expert, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

5 Research Expert, Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, Shahr-e-Rey Branch


Production and secretion of alkaline and acid phosphatase by microorganisms and plants has a very important role in mineralization of organic phosphate and availability of it for plants. Acid and alkaline phosphatase activity was assayed in two hazel natural habitats including Agh-e-velar in Gilan province and Arpatappeh in Ardebil province and compared with their activity in artificial habitat in Alborz research center in Alborz province. Soil sampling was made in spring and summer.  Available phosphorus and acid and alkaline phosphatase activity was assayed by spectrophotometer. The results showed that available phosphor was 23.21, 32.42 and 56.8 ppm in Arpatappeh, Alborz and Agh-e-velar habitats, respectively. Acid phosphatase (678.02(±29.52) µg ρNP g-1 h-1 ) and alkaline phosphatase (520.35(± 21.38) µg ρNP g-1 h-1) activity in Arpatappeh was more than the those in other habitats at both spring and summer seasons. In addition, acid phosphatase activity in summer was almost 2.5 times more than that one in summer at the three locations, which indicates root growth through growth season. Alkaline phosphates showed opposite pattern. Alkaline phosphatase activity in summer samples was two times more than its samples in spring at the three locations, which indicates a decrease in microbial activity at summer.


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