Late successional stage dynamics in natural Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) stands in northern Iran (Case study: Gorazbon district of Kheiroud-Kenar experimental forest)

Document Type : Research article


1 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, I.R. Iran.

2 Prof., Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, I.R. Iran.

3 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, I.R. Iran.

4 Head of Institute of Silviculture, Technische Universität München, München, Germany.


To study the beech stand dynamics followed by the definition of developmental phases in natural mixed beech stands, three sample plots, each covering 25 ha, were inventoried in undisturbed natural mixed beech (Fagus oreintalis Lipsky) stands in Kheiroud-Kenar experimental forest in the north of Iran. The plots were subdivided into 25 one-hectare subplots. Within each mail plot, the subplots were numbered from 1 to 25, within which a number of stand parameters including diameter, canopy gaps properties, natural regeneration and dead trees were recorded. In terms of late successional stage, three stages and eight phases were recognized. According to those, development of beech stands occur in three main stages including early, middle and late characterized by volume growing up, volume accumulations and volume transition terms. Various phases within those stages were recognized. The Growing up stage embraces gap forming, understory initiation and regeneration phases. As for the volume accumulations stage, volume stability, lightning and stem exclusion phases were recognized. Subsequently, the decline stage includes gap making, old growth and volume degradation phases. Some of those phases could be subdivided into small-scale cycles e.g. pre or late volume stability. Furthermore, the intermediate stage includes mixed phases which are mainly created by small-scale and frequent disturbances. The F. orientalis stand were covered to a major extent by phases of stem exclusion, volume stability and understory initiation. In other words, the beech stands are currently in the middle stage of development. Here, we attempted to prepare quantitative characteristics of each of the recognized phases. Finally we illustrated the developmental pattern of beech stands as well as related silvicultural pathways. Dynamics of oriental beech stands begin by formation small-sized gaps (often created by the fall of a single gap maker tree). This fact shows that the single tree selection method is a near-to--nature method within this area. Our findings emphasize that silvicultural methods and related treatments must be regulated based on stand developmental phases. This can lead to decrease the intensity of human intervention and to choose the most appropriate, timely treatments e.g. tree marking.  


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