Vegetative and site characteristics of Anagyris foetida L. in Zagros forests

Document Type : Research article


1 Prof., Research Division of Natural Resources, Ilam Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO

2 Senior Research Expert, Research Division of Natural Resources, Ilam Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO


In Iran, Anagyrigs foetida L. occurs in exclusive sites in Gilan-e Gharb region of Kermanshah province. Despite the toxicity of the plant, several medicinal properties of leaves and fruits have been reported, including being laxative, anti-worm and phlegm. Due to its exclusive and limited habitat conditions, a study on its site characteristics can create a valuable research background for botanists as well as to conservationists to protect, rehabilitate and expand the site. Here, distribution of the stand were initially marked on the map, followed by systematic-random sampling to delineate sample plots along transects. Data were collected, and shrub characteristics and site conditions were analyzed. The results indicate that the site expands to ca. 520 ha with an average altitude of 1170 meters above sea level. An average density of 223 to 284 individuals per hectare was estimated, occasionally reaching more than 500 individuals. In addition, crown diameters of 1-4 meters (occasionally 7 m) and height of 1-2.5 meter (with some cases up to 4 meters) were also reported. The average estimated canopy was approximately 28 percent.


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