title count
Number of Volumes 32
Number of Issues 98
Number of Articles 1,124
Number of Contributors 1,662
Article View 1,252,458
PDF Download 728,024
View Per Article 1114.29
PDF Download Per Article 647.71
title count
Number of Submissions 1,195
Rejected Submissions 662
Rejection Rate 55
Accepted Submissions 467
Acceptance Rate 39
Time to Accept (Days) 127
Number of Indexing Databases 13
Number of Reviewers 413

Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research has been published since 1999 eith the support of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands of Iran which holds the copyright of the journal. This journal publishes original papers on fundamental and applied aspects of all field of forestry (forest management, forest ecology, silviculture, forest policy, forest economics, forest social studies, forest utilization, wood logging and transportation, afforestation and reforestation, urban forestry, etc.). The journal is currently published quarterly and has been ranked with the highest impact (IF=0.153) among the forestry category according to the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC). English abstracts are indexed in CABI Publishing (www.Cabi-Publishing.org). 

Following material are required to be submitted prior to the review process:

1- manuscript file; 2- affiliation page; 3- completed copyright form; 4- if applicable, original figures in MS-excel format.

For information on how to format and submit the manuscripts, please carefully read the Instructions to Authors prior to manuscript submission. Please use English names for the submitted files.

The Journal follows the rules of the International Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).

The Journal is open access. Access to the articles published by the journal is free of charge for all authors and readers and their use is subject to citing.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

"The Journal gives the readers the Creative Commons (CC) license and the right to free download, share and use of the papers by citing to them".

According to the approvals issued by the Department of Research Policy and Planning of the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) and its Secretariat of the Commission of Scientific Journals Evaluation of the MSRT, the manuscript processing charge is 1,000,000 IRR, followed by an additional 1,500,000 IRR publication charge in case of  acceptance.

 The journal embeds simple machine-readable CC licensing information in its articles.

Current Issue: Volume 32, Issue 4 - Serial Number 98, March 2025, Pages 307-404 

Research article

Introducing of the most important poplar (.Populus nigra L) pests in North Khorasan province, Iran

Pages 307-324


J. Alavi; A. Rajabimazhar; M.E. Farashiani; H. Yahouian; A. Bozorgmehr; E. Hamidi

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